Thinking Outside the “Box”

By: American Decency Staff

by Steve Huston

EXTRA, EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT!  The devil can’t make you do it; but, if you stick around he’ll whisper it into your ear enough times til it sounds good to you.

Satan desires to make evil look like fun; if he can get you to laugh at sin you’ll never take it as seriously as you once did.  Satan has long used television and entertainment to move Americans away from the seriousness of sin. Many of the sitcoms from yesteryear ushered in not only laughs, but also a lessening of the seriousness of sin and a reverence for the holiness of God’s name.

If you were to look at some of the television shows from the past, which were “family friendly,” you’d see that we were encouraged to laugh at the concepts of homosexuality, the dishonoring of parents, living together, witchcraft, evolution, swearing, taking God’s name in vain and numerous other evils. It was made to seem good because it entertained us; it put a smile on our face and gave us something to chat with each other about.

Television continues this trend by making Islam, polygamy, cannibalism, vampirism, extreme violence and other things which are contrary to God’s word  seem to be commonplace and acceptable.

Is it any wonder that our children are being led astray by false thinking when the average child watches over 3.5 hours of television in a day?  That makes it over a seventh of his week—over one full day—each week!

The average American youth only spends 900 hours in school while he watches over 1,200 hours of television in a year.  This same youth, by the time he reaches the age of 18 years old will witness 150,000 violent acts while numbly taking in television show after television show.  If we add to these statistics that Americans rent 6 million videos daily, we ought not to be surprised that we are in such dire straits. We shouldn’t be surprised that such violence, like the “knock out game” pervades our cities and our culture.  I’m shocked that so little shocks us!

The simple fact is, the more you are exposed to something and the younger you are when you are exposed to it, the more it will seem to be okay.  We’re called to guard our own hearts; but, we’re also given the responsibility to guard the hearts of our children and to raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  Much of what passes for entertainment works against this high call and solemn responsibility.

There’s a definite lack of thinking in our country; and instead, we’re being led by the media as to what’s acceptable and what’s not.  We aren’t looking to God’s word for what’s best for us or our children.  The devil just whispers in our ear, as often as we will allow him, “See, everyone’s doing it.  This is ok; it worked out for them on the TV show. The Bible is old and out of step; walk this way.”   

Don’t be fooled; God’s Word makes it clear. We’re to be different from the world not entertained by it and lulled into an apathetic acceptance of its evil practices. God tells us, “Walk this way. Walk according to my Word.  I love you; don’t turn to the left or the right.  Don’t seek after your own heart or your own eyes. Trust Me.”


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